Saturday, 12 November 2011

awk awk awk..

4 a.m
ta bole tido !!! homaiiigod..

pusing kiri kanan..
ckp sowang2..haihhhh *gile

terusss amek nfon..

eh naa wape ni?
*blurr jappp..

option ---> inbox

ade BERIBU msj dr awk..

satu persatu..
sy bacaaaa !

baca dan terusss baca tanpa henti..

senyum sorang2..
gelakkk sengsowang.....
hati bbungaa2....

msg awk sweet ! halaaalaaaa
*tu msj yg sweet laa..

tp msj yg sebalik nye?

wat taataww..tanak baca ! hokeh .
*padahal daa baca..

daa tetibe * rinduuu awk !
k fine !
tu masalah sy .


Thursday, 10 November 2011


dulu sekarang da beza

awk atau sy yang daa berubah?

tah laa..

sy sehat ke?
awak tak pernah tanye.

sy wat ape tu?
awak langsung ta penah amek tahu.

sy bosan ke?
awak tak peduli.

bile sy ckp cket..
awk : z z z z z z


Friday, 28 October 2011

should know !

imy ;D

Im gonna miss you dear. I love you. Have a great life my dearr.. Hope we can meet again. Just the two of us.

really mean it ;(

I'm sorry if what i have done to you, makes you sad n angry towards me.. i feel and i think that I know it is better without me with you right? Okay, I will stay away from you if you really want me to do that.. I'm sorry but i love you so much,i cant without you dear,pliss dont leave me alone..dear, if you hate something that i do, then tell me so that i could change.. Nobody is perfect..I want to be better for you. i know i brought this "problem" back.. but it is for my own good.. i don't want to see you smiling in front of me but then you curse me behind my back.. So please, do tell me.. im begging you :( im so sori..when i say sori,i really mean it.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

the best I could do.

count on me like One, two, three...
yesss..i'll be there.
No hearts, no candy,
and really..
there's nothing to say.
But you're amazing,
and I wanted you to know,
I don't care if you disagree,
'cause you make me glow.
Smile for me, please?
It'll make me melt,
Such a strong feeling,
but it's one I've felt.
Wish you were here,
wish I was there.
Wish we were together.
I don't care where.
This stupid poem,but is the best I could do..
from me to you. 

;) Oh sweetness!

 how do i explain this feeling
the feeling of finally succeeding in something i do
feeling the love of a beautiful guy
he makes my head soar
my heart always warm
when he says i love you i cant help but smile
when he calls me i cant help but giggle
i love him so
i love him more each day
i would be dead if it wasn't for him
i would not have survived my suffering
my mr. future : wan mohd jefri
i love you,
 u know who u are
please don't ever let go
please be forever in whats left of my soul

today is a gift !

22 october 2011,8 am ~

Now the day has come,
For you to celebrate and have fun;
For the journey you have completed;
For a long time you've waited. 

Never forget to thank God,
For He has given you an intelligence, a strength
And a light for your path.

We are so proud of you, and we really do
For surpassing the journey
Just to get another degree.

So for you dear: CONGRATULATIONS !!!
I know you wouldn't quit, you just went and you did it.
Have cheers! 

Friday, 14 October 2011

my dear.....

I do not know why tonight i really miss you .. yela .. usually, every night we'll skype, chat , but tonight, no.. you be quietly without giving a msg to me, do not make a call, seriously, i miss you damn much ! dear, i cant live without u, i hop u realize that. u know my dear, everyday and every time, I always remember on you, thinking of you, what are you doing? have u you eat already or not? you are healthy or not? how your situation? If possible, I want to make sure that you are in a safe..tonight, I wait for you until I fall asleep la .. dear, do you really forget me? or is just my bad thoughts to you,. I hope you are not like that, oh! maybe you have a lot of work must be done. i try to be understand u..thats my promise..and one more thing dear,.what happen, i still be with u,.not for anyone else..i hope u so..lots of love ! good night my dear,. joining u at yor side, hugging u until the eyes open for the better day for us.. love u with all my soul..

Monday, 10 October 2011

count on you ~

hey ! good morning everyone ! hey, wanna say what ? i know nothing laa pg2 ni.. blurrr kekejap..where my borpren tsyg ni ? huh ! rajennn p kelasss kn.. ahaa... pagi2 daaa rindu awk ni... hah ! mgade kn.. ta kire laa.. awk boyfren kite..biaaa la.. eh awk ! rinduuuu kite taa ? ;D nnt da baca entryyyy ni,awk text kite yerw.. awk ! naa bgtaw, semenjakkkk sy de awk,.ari2 sy jd sgt indaahhhh ! finally de jgk yg bleyh mgembire kn sy ! syg awk !awk hepy taa ? aha.. syg, u are among the best n even better ! love u so much ! thanks for brighten my life back . appreciate syg sgt2... d cni , sy atiqa aripin bjanji ta akan degil ckp awk, dan akan cuba jd yg tbaek utk awk ! i swear ! forever be with u dear..n what happen im still go for u, not for anyone else..

i cant without you..

Bf : Kita main satu game nak tak ?
Gf : Game apa ?
Bf : Mcam ni , esok awak tak paya contact saya . Mksudnya tak paya text call or apa apa yng berkaitan lah . Saya pun buat mcam tuu dkat awak okay ? Kita tgok spea menang .
Gf : Okay !

... Esoknya , si Gf terpksa lah than rindu dkat Bf . Mengenangkan yng ni satu permintaan , si Gf cuba kuatkan hati .

Keesokkan harinya , si Gf call si Bf . Tapi tak dijwab . So si Gf pegi dkat ruma Bf dia . Di luar ruma ,rmai orng . Dia mula rasa pelik then trus msok ke ruma . Sekujur tubuh terbaring kaku di tnga ruma . Dan tubuh tuu adalah jasad si Bf yng dah meninggal . Mak si Bf pun bagi surat dkat GF .
Surat yng bertulis :

Sayang , smlam awak dpat hdup sehari tnpa saya . Saya pasti esok dan seterusnya pasti awak dpat hdup bhagia tnpa saya.. ♥

semalam syg tbace msg ni,terusss rse sedihhh.nmpak mcm syg mgade2,over sungguh,msg ni taching owt..syg tanak kata pape,sedih sgt..b..syg tanak pkare mcm ni jd..syg ta boley idop tanpa b..nnt kalaw b tadew,sape lg na skype dgn syg smpai lewat mlm,.sape yg naa text dgn syg,.nnt,syg ta dgr lg suare yg asyek kata syg maraaa..kalaw b tinggal kn syg,mne syg naa cri pganti b,.syg pasti,tadew org yg bleyh ganti tempat b,.b tawh tak..bile b mula ckp hal2 pelik,syg da rse sgt taa selesa..syg ta suke laaa b ckp pelik2,,syg jd takot..sampai kn syg mula pikir yg bukan2...i cant without u dear..skrg,syg bgantung dgn b jerw..syg takot if pape jd kt b,.b,ngat tawh,pape hal pn,syg sentiase ade dgn b,ape jua keadaan,susaaa senang,sedih gembire..b jgn sesekali pikir yg b sorang2..oke..b ade syg,family,.n kwn2..mmg syg tadew dkt dgn b,tp b kene pcaye yg syg sentiase d hati b..sentiase sokong b..sentiase d blakang b,.b,.kuat kn diri yerw..tabah hadapi semua perkare..jgn cepat give up..jgn cpt rse tertekan...bsabaaa byk..b,.semua mnusia penah wat silap,dan stiap org tu berhak brubah..i trust u,.ambil laa mse utk berubah..1 jerw,b jgn tinggal solat, u so much dear!

will you ?

u and i watch the sunset suwittt..
cOok everyday together..
walk in the rain together...
u hold my hand.. 
u buy gift for me!u give me roses!
go to the picnik together.. 
we go for a long walk at the beach..
u write poetry for me every nyte before i sleep..
u hug me!!because your hug is the universal medicine for me,.
u tell me : that i the girl only u want!
u very lightly push my chin,lOok into my eyes,
and u say,.i love u!
u buy me a ring!
u sing for me every nyte before i sleep..
u hold around my hip sides..
u do the dinner for two deal..
i love when u hold my hand,stare into my eyes,kiss my hand and then u put my hand over yor heart..
i really2 hope we can dance together!
u make excuses to call me every hour,.and say i love u!
my love be prince charming for my parent..its most important!
we hangout together with my friends and yor friends..
we watch a romantic muvie together and u remember the part what i like..
we learn frOm each other and dont make the same mistake twice..
fall sleep on the phone with u and i..

Saturday, 8 October 2011

i love my boyfren !

kte syg awk sgt2..sbb awk da wat sy betul2 jatuh cinta dgn awk.. awk kata awk betul2 brubah..jd,sy cuba bg awk peluang.. sy tadew pape bleyh bg kt awk cume keihklasan. sy ikhlas trime awk ape ade nye awk.. sy arap awk jgk sme.. mulai ari  ni, sy janji, tadew yg tataw awk mcm mne? tp sy cuba percaye naa awk tahu,yg sy syg awk ! tadew lgi yg laen dpt ganti awk.. awk da promis kn utk slme nye dgn sy..awk jgn tggal kn sy.. oke ? awk awk, 1st tyme awk approach sy, sy rse btuahhh mula ta kan laa sy naa gtaw awk trus yg sy suke kn awk kn perempuan..ahaa.. awk tawh,awk suwitt suke laa tgk awk senyum..crite awk..kiut laaa awk ni..thankss yerw sbb suke sy..suwitt sgt awk tu.. ;D 

hepy befday syg !

6 oct  its yor befday !  hepy belated befday dear ..